IIA | Aktualnosci | Informacje oraz nagrania z IIA Global dotyczące działań podczas COVID-19

Informacje oraz nagrania z IIA Global dotyczące działań podczas COVID-19

Informacje oraz nagrania z IIA Global dotyczące działań podczas COVID-19


IIA Global dokłada wszelkich starań aby kompleksowo informować swoich członków o występujących ryzykach, przemyślanym przywództwie, szkoleniach, niezbędnych narzędziach oraz sprawach związanych z COVID-19. Ma to pomóc audytorom wewnętrznym na całym świecie we wsparciu ich organizacji w mierzeniu się z wydzwanianiami COVID-19. Do przedstawionych zasobów dostępnych dla audytorów, IIA Global przygotowało nagrania Richarda Chambersa, CEO IIA Global, dotyczące różnych zagadnień związanych z obecną sytuacją.

Poniżej jest lista linków do poszczególnych nagrań.

Więcej nagrań znajduje się na stronie The IIA COVID-19 Resource Exchange

Tytuły nagrań z opisami:

Richard Chambers Presents IA Insights & Advice

IIA President and CEO Richard Chambers unveils a new video series on how internal auditors can best add value during this period of uncertainty spawned by the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. He will be speaking with key leaders and thought leaders from around the world to examine relevant issues and challenges.

Richard Chambers IA Insights & Advice - AEC COVID-19 Survey

Richard Chambers speaks with IIA Managing Director of CAE Solutions Harold Silverman and Director of CAE Services Tim Berichon on findings from an Audit Executive Center quick poll on how internal auditors are coping with COVID-19 challenges.

IA Insights & Advice -  Richard Chambers Interviews Thought Leader and Blogger Norman Marks on Confronting Risks

In his third installment of the “IA Insights & Advice” video series, The IIA President and CEO, Richard Chambers speaks with author, blogger and thought leader Norman Marks about the response to COVID-19 and whether organizations are doing enough to adequately confront this and future risks.

IA Insights & Advice - Being a Trusted Advisor in a Time of Crisis

IIA President and CEO Richard Chambers discusses the characteristics of being a trusted advisor in these challenging times, from ethical resilience and intellectual curiosity to open mindedness and dynamic communications.

IA Insights & Advice – Weathering the Crisis with IIA Global Chairman Mike Joyce

IIA President and CEO Richard Chambers discusses with IIA Global Chairman Mike Joyce how the internal audit profession will ultimately weather the COVID-19 crisis and what practitioners must do to adapt to a changing landscape.

IA Insights & Advice - Richard Chambers Interviews AIG Chief Auditor and former IIA Global Chairman Naohiro Mouri on the new normal for internal audit.

IIA President and CEO Richard Chambers Interviews AIG Chief Auditor and former IIA Global Chairman Naohiro Mouri on how internal audit can be effective from any location and that working remotely may be the new normal.

IA Insights & Advice -  Richard Chambers Interviews Brian Christensen, President of the Internal Audit Foundation

Transforming the profession to one that is agile and can adapt is the theme of IIA President & CEO Richard Chambers’ discussion with Brian Christensen, Executive Vice President, Global Internal Audit at Protiviti and President of the Internal Audit Foundation.

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